RCA Public Event Guide



  1. 自我健康愿景:首先,写下你对自己的健康的愿景是什么。
  2. 旅程图绘制:从桌子上拿取打印好的用户旅程图模版,回忆并记录你关于健康的旅程,这可以是一段尽可能长的时间,包含你在这段时间内的行为和观念,以及在你的健康旅程中比较重要的事件节点。
  3. 详细旅程梳理:接着,拿取小一些的用户旅程图,深入地梳理你在某个重要事件中的具体流程和感受,包括你遇到的困难和你采取的解决方案。
  4. 旅程分享:在梳理完后,将你的旅程图贴在墙上,大家可以聚在一起选择感兴趣的旅程图,被选到的人将被邀请上前分析他们的旅程,并分享他们对于家庭中健康关系的观点。
  5. 集体讨论:最后,我们将进行一场开放的讨论,大家可以提问、回答问题,然后总结自己的收获。


English version

Welcome to our Health Journey Workshop! Together, we’ll explore our health journey, understanding how our actions and beliefs affect our well-being, and seek solutions for improving health. Here is our activity agenda for today:

  1. Health Vision: Start by writing down your vision for your health.
  2. Journey Mapping: Pick up a printed user journey map template from the table. Recall and record your health journey over an extended period of time. This should include your actions and beliefs during this period, as well as key events in your health journey.
  3. Detailed Journey Elaboration: Next, pick up a smaller user journey map and delve into the specific processes and feelings of a significant event, including the challenges you encountered and the solutions you adopted.
  4. Journey Sharing: After you’ve completed your journey map, post it on the wall. Everyone can come together to choose an interesting journey map. The selected person will be invited to the front to analyze their journey and share their views on health relationships within their family.
  5. Group Discussion: Finally, we’ll have an open discussion where everyone can ask questions, respond, and then summarize their learnings.

We look forward to your active participation. Let’s get started!

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